Monday, June 8, 2015

B.C.vs A.D. can you tell the difference?

There are those who have known me for a long time.  The ones who knew me when I was a teenager or in my twenties.  They are the ones that haven’t fully figured me out.  The ones who knew me in my B.C. (Before Christ) years. Those that have met me after, in my A.D.(anno domini “in the year of our Lord”) years find me less of a puzzle.  I have shared with many the kind of person I was but can you really ever totally understand unless you were there?  I don’t only mean, there in my life, but also in their own life.  A life that was once totally different than the life they live now.  There is a special knowledge you have if your B.C. years took you into adulthood before you made it to other side. That other side being your A.D. years.  We know that people can change because we have already experienced it ourselves.  Even if they slip up, you know there is always hope.  

At one time I thought becoming a Christian would make you become sinfree.  I had to learn that we are all flawed.  We make mistakes. We will make those mistakes over and over again.  A percentage of Christian will even actively sin because they have believed the lie.   However, if the desire to know God and to study His word is there.  If you start to truly believe what His word says about God and yourself, then you will see changes.  Sin will become slip ups and not a description of your character.

You may be at that point in your life that you are not willfully and actively sinning, but you still look no different to some.  Why?  

Last year I was interviewing for a nanny position.  I allowed the mother access to my social media accounts.  I was surprised when she said to me ‘I see you are a Christian’.  I’m not a bumper sticker kind of Christian.  It’s just not my style, so why was is so easy for her to see that I’m a Christian? More importantly, why is it easier for a stranger to see it quicker than those closest to us?

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